Event details
- Sunday | 30th August 2020
- 9:00 am
- 41 Blundells Road, Bradville, Milton Keynes MK13 7HD
- 01908 226216
Kingdom Faith Church presents their ‘Loosed To Live’ Conference – A weekend for inner healing and spiritual freedom.
Starting from Friday 28th August to Sunday 30th August 2020, there will be sessions held daily so please register according to the session/s you will be attending to guarantee your space.
The Event Hosts are: Daniel & Ruth Mateola (Apostolic Leaders & Pastors – KFMI)
Conference Guest Speakers:
Niyi Olujobi (Snr Pastor & Founder, The Church of His Presence): https://churchofhispresence.org.uk/
Alfred Makhavhu (Snr Pastor, Flames of Fire Ministries, South Africa): http://flamesoffire.co.za/about.html