Kingdom Faith Church presents it’s ‘Loosed To Live’ Conference – a weekend for inner healing and spiritual freedom.
It starts at 7 pm on Friday, 28th August with the ‘Night of Worship’, which is unhindered praise and worship. On Saturday, 29th August there will be two sessions of teaching ending with the ministry for deliverance and healing. On Sunday, 30th August there will be three sessions focussing on inner healing ending with deliverance ministration.
Please register according to the session/s you will be attending to guarantee your space.
The Event Hosts are: Daniel & Ruth Mateola (Apostolic Leaders & Pastors – KFMI)
Conference Guest Speakers:
Niyi Olujobi (Snr Pastor & Founder, The Church of His Presence):
Alfred Makhavhu (Snr Pastor, Flames of Fire Ministries, South Africa):